- Mondioring
- base
Mondioring Competition & BH/VT exam
- 14.04.2019
- Agios Vasileios, 57200 AGIOS VASILEIOS
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- Timezone: Europe/Athens
- Registration opening: 21.01.2019 00:00:00
- Closing date: 08.04.2019 23:59:59
- Number of participants Mondioring: 125
- Number of participants Companion (BH/VT): 125
- Discipline: Mondioring, Companion (BH/VT)
- Organizing club: Drive Unlimited Canine Sports Center
- Address: Agios Vasileios, 57200 AGIOS VASILEIOS
- Breeds: All breeds
- Homepage: www.driveunlimited.gr
Information entry fee
The cost of participation is 40 euro for Mondioring and 40euro for BH. Bank account details are : IBAN: GR28 0171 2160 0062 1601 0375 741
Bank : Piraeus bank
Sotirios Kountouras
Bank : Piraeus bank
Sotirios Kountouras
Entry fee
Pay until:
Mondioring Competition & BH/VT exam 14.04.2019
Agios Vasileios, 57200 AGIOS VASILEIOS
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