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LG Zuchtschau für Jugendliche u. Junioren der LG Bayern-Süd (LG15)
- 25.09.2016
- Permering 7 1/2, 84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)
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Subscriber information:
Richter (alle Klassen): Herr Jochen Prall Einlass: 08:00 Uhr Beginn des Richtens: 09:00 Uhr Zulassungsbestimmungen: Jugendliche und Junioren bis Jahrgang 1995 Ringtraining am 11. und 18.09.2016 von 11:00 - 15:00 Uhr möglich
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Registration opening: 25.03.2016 00:00:00
- Closing date: 19.09.2016 09:54:11
- Number of participants: 300
- Discipline: Show
- Organizing club: OG Vilstal
- Address: Permering 7 1/2, 84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)
- Breeds: German Shepherd
- Homepage: www.svogvilstal.de
Information entry fee
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judges and helpers
Judge (show)
Puppy Class (6 - 9 months) - males, Puppy Class (6 - 9 months) - females, Junior Class (9 - 18 months) - males, Junior Class (9 - 18 months) - females, Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months) - males, Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months) - females, Working class (older than 15 months) - males, Working class (older than 15 months) - females, Veteran class (older than 8 years) - males, Veteran class (older than 8 years) - females