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What is a National Show vs a Sieger Show? The SV now only allows one Sieger Show a year per country. What does that mean? Well USCA and GSDCA will alternate years on who hosts the Sieger Show for the United States. In 2018 it is GSDCA’s turn to host the event, which is scheduled for September 2018. Another question we have received is there any difference between the Sieger Show and the National Show. Yes, there is a difference. The SV states that only the VA rating can be obtained at the Sieger Show, so this means at the National Show no VA ratings can be given. USCA members still wanted the opportunity to have a national show to allow our breeders, owners and competitors a venue for Conformation, Performance and Breed Surveys as well as a way to select who will represent USCA on the WUSV Universal Sieger in June 2018 so in order for USCA to meet our members requests for a national show and to select our team members we needed to find a way to create and host a new national event. At the National Show this year we are adding a breed survey. As many know there has not been this opportunity in several years and we hope owners will take advantage to obtain a breed survey at the National Show. The breed survey is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. The committee is working on still securing our SV judge for the event. We hope to have a judge secured within the next couple weeks. We will be sure to make the announcement as soon as selection has been named and the invitation has been accepted by the judge.