- Utility & Tracking Dogs
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CNCG Championship - CACIT - EDog Cup 2024
- 17. - 19.05.2024
- stree 340, 317235 Pecica, Ar.
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Subscriber information:
Campionatul National IGP pentru Ciobanesc German
Calificare FCI IGP WM 2024
Calificare WUSV IGP WM 2024
National German Shepherd IGP Championship
FCI IGP WM 2024 Qualification trial
WUSV IGP WM 2024 Qualification trial
taxe de inscriere / entry fees:
IGP / FH 1 & 2: 350 lei / 70 euro
BH / IBgH: 250 lei / 50 euro
EURO fees are to be payed to: Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If., IBAN: RO45CECEIS01C1EUR0772172, SWIFT CECEROBUXXX - please mention: "CACIT + name of the dog"
Taxele in LEI se achita la CEC Bank, IBAN: RO39CECEC001946008308821, titular Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If. - va rugam mentionati: ,,CACIT + numele caineleui"
- Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
- Registration opening: 15.01.2024 00:00:00
- Closing date: 06.05.2024 23:59:59
- Discipline: FCI-IGP, Tracking test, FCI-IBgH, Companion (BH/VT)
- Organizing club: CNCG
- Address: stree 340, 317235 Pecica, Ar.
- Breeds: All breeds
Information entry fee
taxe de inscriere / entry fees:
IGP / FH 1 & 2: 350 lei / 70 euro
BH / IBgH: 250 lei / 50 euro
EURO fees are to be payed to: Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If., IBAN: RO45CECEIS01C1EUR0772172, SWIFT CECEROBUXXX -- - please mention: "CACIT + name of the dog"
Taxele in LEI se achita la CEC Bank, IBAN: RO39CECEC001946008308821, titular Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If. -- va rugam mentionati: ,,CACIT + numele caineleui"
IGP / FH 1 & 2: 350 lei / 70 euro
BH / IBgH: 250 lei / 50 euro
EURO fees are to be payed to: Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If., IBAN: RO45CECEIS01C1EUR0772172, SWIFT CECEROBUXXX -- - please mention: "CACIT + name of the dog"
Taxele in LEI se achita la CEC Bank, IBAN: RO39CECEC001946008308821, titular Asociatia Clubul National de Ciobanesc German, CUI 11315144, Mogosoaia, If. -- va rugam mentionati: ,,CACIT + numele caineleui"
Entry fee
No data available yet
CNCG Championship - CACIT - EDog Cup 2024 17. - 19.05.2024
stree 340, 317235 Pecica, Ar.

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